Represented by CEO
Qualified engineer Jerzy Charęza
Übersetzungen Dipl.-Ing. J.Chareza
Ackermannstr. 43
60326 Frankfurt am Main // Gallus
T: 069 36 00 75 21
F: +49 36 00 75 25
M: 0177 24 226 23
DE 244304790
Responsible for contents of the web site: Jerzy Charęza
Author rights are held by photographers.

All data has been examined with greatest diligence. A guarantee for the correctness, completeness and topicality can, however, not be granted. Any liability, in particular for possible damages or consequences which result of the use of the offered material is impossible. Due to the extent of the data given errors can not be excluded. All information and addresses were given corresponding to our latest knowledge. Any suggestions and references for corrections will be gratefully received, also via e-mail..
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Notice: With verdict of May12th, 1998 the State Court of Hamburg has ruled that websites aren't to be held criminally responsible for available embedded links. We distance ourselves from contents of external links as a precaution, since we also link to external sites. We had no influence how these sites were designed, Contents, etc.(incl. banners) and said contents do not necessarily represent our personal opinion. This also applies to embedded links leading to more external websites.
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